The OASIS Initiative
The OASIS Initiative is Organizing to Advance Solutions in the Sahel. Our mission is to help accelerate a demographic transition in the Sahel region of Africa. The OASIS Initiative is building the evidence base and local leadership necessary to overcome the most serious development challenges in the Sahel.
We are focused on three “pillars” critical for the region: 1) educate and empower adolescent girls, 2) expand access to voluntary family planning, and 3) adapt agricultural practices to climate change.
1. Strengthen and amplify local voices. Build research, implementation and leadership capacity in the region. Promote local leadership in international advocacy.
2. Build the evidence base. Collaborate on research in the region, with a focus on effective, integrated and scalable approaches.
3. Wake up the world! Increase awareness of the humanitarian catastrophe projected for the Sahel and advocate for funding commensurate with the challenge.
Alisha Graves
Alisha Graves leads strategy, development and advocacy efforts for The OASIS Initiative and is the President of Venture Strategies for Health and Development, a non-profit organization aiming to help stabilize global population by securing women’s freedom to choose their family size. Alisha lectures internationally on population and food security in the Sahel. She is a research fellow for Project Drawdown, analyzing the potential contribution of family planning for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Contact Information
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley Way West
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States